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Mary and Catherine have a tense conversation about a contract. Mary threatens to start a war in France by spreading rumors about the king's mental state and the instability of the House of Valois. Catherine warns Mary that this would lead to a civil war and destruction of France. Mary sends letters to two dukes and the Vatican to negotiate. Francis supports Mary, despite Catherine's doubts. The episode ends with Mary burning the original contract.

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Real fairy tales are not about magic and princes saving damsels in distress. They are about people struggling and finding love in the worst of times. It's about learning from life and being happy despite the bad things. Evil is everywhere, but believing that everything happens for a reason and living your own fairy tale is what matters.

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Este texto é uma reflexão sobre o amor divino de Deus, mesmo conhecendo nossos pecados e falhas. O autor questiona como Deus pode amá-lo mesmo sabendo que ele comete erros e o frustra. No entanto, ele reconhece que Deus o acolhe quando está caindo, o abraça quando está chorando e o leva para perto das chamas de amor em seu coração. O autor expressa sua vontade de voltar para casa, para perto de Deus, onde se sente acolhido e amado.

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